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Her graphic designs are her latest works as she loves to cover up nude woman with art so that a very different and elegant art work can be created. From make up&dry hairstyling towards the photoshoot there is already an amazing feeling build up with her models. She loves to make them beautifull and makes them feel more self- secure and loves the way they are forming through the entire day. after that she does post editing on some of them to create her artistic impression & visuals come to her, All are very different in style as that is what she is aiming for!! 

Missganesha has been interested in visual arts since a teenager. and had the opportunity to work with some expert photographers and graphic artists allowing her to improve better than any, in other ways.

Missganesa's skills and experience now cover a wide range of Creative Arts techniques, allowing her to fulfil complex tasks as well as to develop custom solutions for specific purposes.

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